Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Into the Socratic - Day 2

Hello Survivors of Socratic!

Today we continue with our Socratic.  You are able to converse with one another.  Use all of your resources so that your conversation is meaningful and helpful.  Use the handouts - stick to themes and make real life connections.

1.Socratic Seminar
* Find your appropriate seat
* Take Notes.  Answer your THREE questions.  Get help.  Ask for evidence - book, film, songs, life

* Into the Wild writing assignments due on Friday
* You will have THURSDAY to write/edit/type in class
* Authors Chair - Friday

Poetry Club TODAY
Rudy Francisco on Jimmy Fallon on THURSDAY night.  Write a reflection.
SD Slam 3/12

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Into the Socratic

Hello Survivors of Socratic!

Today you are able to converse with one another.  Use all of your resources so that your conversation is meaningful and helpful.  Use the handouts - stick to themes and make real life connections.

1.Socratic Seminar
* Await your groups
* Follow protocol

* Socratic - Continues TMRW
* Into the Wild writing assignments due on Friday
* Authors Chair - Friday

LE on Tuesdays!
Poetry Club Wednesdays
SD Slam 3/12

Monday, February 26, 2018

Surviving the Wild

Hello Survivors of the Wild...

This is your week.  Your work and your voice will be awarded.  Please bring your most authentic insight to our unit and the themes.  Please use the resources and your notebooks.

1. Prompts
2. Cipher
3. Socratic Questions and Expectations
4. Get to work

* Monday - Socratic Prep
* Socratic - Tuesday/Wednesday
* In Class Writing Prompt - Thursday
* Authors Chair - Friday

LE on Tuesdays!
Poetry Club Wednesdays

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Into the Wild Creative Projects - Authors Chair

Hello Discovers of Truth!

Well....we went to the bus and we made it back alive.  What did we learn? What was the point of the whole journey.  You now have a notebook filled with quotes and personal reflections and connections.  Start to make some decisions - make a claim.  Use your anticipatory guide. You will be given the chance to be heard.

1. Prompt - Are you waiting to be forgiven?  Are you delaying forgiving someone?  Work with this.
2. Cipher
3. Authors Chair - Into the Wild Creative Projects!
* Take Notes, Learn from each others discoveries, insights, and expressions. 

* Monday - Socratic Prep
* Socratic - Tuesday/Wednesday
* In Class Writing Prompt - Thursday
* Authors Chair - Friday

LE on Tuesdays!
Poetry Club Wednesdays

Into the Wild - The End

Hello Wild People!

Let's finish the story.  This way you can finish your piece for tomorrow.

1. Film - Take Notes

* Creative Piece TMRW - Authors Chair and Cipher
*** Be ready to present.  This is worth a fair amount of credit.
* Socratic - Next Week
* In Class Writing Prompt - Next Week

LE on Tuesdays!
Poetry Club Wednesdays

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Writing Time / Film

Hello Wild People!

Take some time today to work with your Creative Expression assignment.  Use the class ideas and models - or do something completely unique and different.  I am looking for grade level appropriateness, maximum effort, and unique voice.

1. Prompt - Describe the difference between being lonely and being alone.  Tell a story - whether it is about you or someone you know.  Relate to this theme with personal experience or connect it to the text and Chris/Alex's journey.
2. Creative Piece - Write, Edit, Revise, Play, Try, Do...
* Honest Poem
* Sestina
* When You Tell Them My Story..

* Socratic - Date to be Determined
* In Class Writing Prompt - Date to be Determined
* Creative Piece due Friday - Authors Chair and Cipher

Poetry Club Today!
LE on Tuesdays!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Getting Out of the Wild?

Hello Supertramps!

Let's look at some lyrics today.  Maybe take a little time to work on your Creative Piece? Who knows - maybe we may watch some of the film?  Let's use our time the best we can.

1. Prompt -Is everyone meant to go on adventures?
2. Symposium - Extra Credit Opp
3. Society - Lyrics
4. Creative Piece - Honest Poems, Sestina, Other Ideas?
5. Film - Continue to take notes

* Socratic - Date to be Determined
* In Class Writing Prompt - Date to be Determined
* Look up lyrics to "Society" - annotate, use as a resource
* Do you have any additional resources?
* Creative Piece due 2/23 - We will cover this in class

Poetry Club on Wed

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Into the Wild Creative Piece and Film

Hello Supertramps!

Today we work in small groups on some Activities!

1. Prompt - Free Write
2.Activities 17 and 18 - Quick. Work Check
3. Creative Piece - Some options
4. Film - Continue to take notes

* Socratic - Date to be Determined
* In Class Writing Prompt - Date to be Determined
* Look up lyrics to "Society" - annotate, use as a resource
* Creative Piece due 2/23 - We will cover this in class

Symposium Today
LE on Tuesday

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Work Time

Hello Supertramps!

Today we work in small groups on some Activities!

1. Prompt - Define Society.  What are you okay with? What irks you?
2.Activities 17 and 18
3. Discussion
4. Hunter and Samakosky Jam (maybe)

* Complete Activities - Work Check
* Look up lyrics to "Society" - annotate, use as a resource
* Creative Piece due 2/23 - We will cover this in class

Poetry Club - Today!
Poetry Symposium Thursday2/15

Monday, February 12, 2018

Work Check and Film

Hello Supertramps!

Have your work out. Watch the film.  You must take notes on the film.

1. Work Check
2. Film 
* Catch up on all readings and journals.
* Creative Piece due 2/23 - We will cover this in class

LE on Tonight
Poetry Club - Tmrw
Poetry Symposium Thursday2/15

Work Time and Film

Hello Supertramps!

Take some time today to read and work on Chapters 6 and 7 in your Journal. We will continue with the film and you can take some notes to help with your understanding.

1. Prompt - Cold, Chris' Bday, Songs?
2. Work Time
3. Film - Take Notes

Read Chapter 6 and 7 by TMRW - Complete Dialectic Journals
Activities 10-16 - Use these to guide your Dialectic Journal efforts
Expect Quiz and Work Check later this week

LE on Tuesday 2/13
Poetry Club - Wed 2/14
Poetry Symposium Thursday2/15

Friday, February 9, 2018

Key Themes of Into the Wild and Film

Hello Supertramps!

Let's make sure we are all caught up.  Together we will discuss ONE quote and ONE question from each Chapter thus far.  Feel free to take notes.  Please participate.

1. Prompt - From what you can gather about this crazy story for truth and self discovery - where the actions of Chris/Alex either selfless, selfish, or both?  Work with this idea - make some connections.
2. Working with themes - Carine McCandless and Friends clip - Take Notes
3. Film - Take Notes

Read Chapter 6 and 7 by Tuesday - Complete Dialectic Journals
Activities 10-16 - Use these to guide your Dialectic Journal efforts
Expect Quiz and Work Check Next Week

SD Slam - Monday 2/12
LE on Tuesday 2/13
Poetry Club - Wed 2/14
Poetry Symposium Thursday2/15

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Review and Clips

Hello Supertramps!

Let's make sure we are all caught up.  Together we will discuss ONE quote and ONE question from each Chapter thus far.  Feel free to take notes.  Please participate.

1. Chapter 1-5 review!
* Please use your quotes, the text, and your questions to garner worthwhile discussion
2. Work Check - Await Instructions
3. Film Clips
*Return to the Bus - Sept 2017
* Carine McCandless and Friends - 2014
* Take Notes - The are ADDITIONAL resources - which include the book, famous epithets and quotes, the film, song lyrics, book references

Read Chapter 6 and 7 by Tuesday - Complete Dialectic Journals
Activities 10-16 - Use these to guide your Dialectic Journal efforts

SD Slam - Monday 2/12
LE on Tuesday 2/13
Poetry Club - Wed 2/14
Poetry Symposium Thursday2/15

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Into the Wild - Chapters 1-4 Review

Hello Supertramps!

Today we discuss the book and the stand out quotes concerning themes and worthwhile events.  Let's revisit our questions so we can assist one another and make sure we have text to support this.  Pay attention and take notes.  Participate and be involved!

1. Index Card - Pop Quiz
2. Chapter 1-4 Review
* Please use your quotes, the text, and your questions to garner worthwile discussion ripe for our Socratic and future Writing.
3. Film

Activities 10-16 - Use these to guide your Dialectic Journal efforts
Dialectic Journals Chapters 1,2,3,4 - Quotes and Questions - Work Check TBA

Poetry Club - Today!
Poetry Symposium 2/15
SD Slam - Monday 2/12

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Into the Wild - Chapter 4

Welcome back Explorers of Truth,

Today we will work in small groups.  Your goal is to complete the reading for Chapter 4.
Assist one another with your dialectic journals and your activities.

1. Prompts -
*Why do you think this book was chosen as a "must read" for many California high school seniors since it is a unit specifically designed for ERWC?
*Do you think it could give students ill intentions?
Is is seemingly benficial thus far - why? why not?
2. Chapter 3 - Summary and Choice Quotes/Questions
3. Read Chapter 4
* Small Groups
4. Film

Activities 10-16 - Use these to guide your Dialectic Journal efforts
Dialectic Journals Chapters 1,2,3,4 - Quotes and Questions - Work Check TBA
Bring in ONE question for Chapter 3 and ONE question for Chapter 4 to share on an index card

LE Tonight
Poetry Club - Wed
Poetry Symposium 2/15
SD Slam - Monday 2/12

Monday, February 5, 2018

Into the Wild - Chapter 3

Welcome back Explorers of Truth,

Our tedious trip into the unknown begins.  Are you ready?  Are you prepared? Are you making the correct judgments and calculations for discovery and success?  Let us discover some treacherous terrain - at least we will be together.

1.  Prompt - You are getting ready for a trip.  Pick your destination.  Prepare properly.
* List items, list itinerary. Have fun.
2. Read Chapter 3
3. Dialectic Journals

Activities 10-16 - Use these to guide your Dialectic Journal efforts
Dialectic Journals Chapters 1,2,3 - Quotes and Questions

LE Tomorrow
Poetry Club - Wed
Poetry Symposium 2/15 

Last Week Activities

Dearest Seniors! Welcome to your last week of high school. We will spend our time together tying up some loose ends, returning, books, cel...