Monday, February 29, 2016

Louder Than A Bomb

Hello Seniors!

We are done with our Portfolios.  They are being graded.  You will get them back this week.
Before we begin our next unit - we will spend time viewing the documentary "Louder than a Bomb"

*You need to track ONE of the poets.  Take notes on their background story, their writing content, their style, and your reasons for relating to the writer.  We will discuss.
 * You also need to take notes on Slam?  How does it work?  How are poets scored?

Homework -
* Read the article - "Honor Code" - Be ready to discuss and answer Q's.
There will be quizzes on each article we cover this unit.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Portfolios Due

Hello Seniors!

Hey! Congrats!  You are awesome!
Today we celebrate and Gallery Walk!
You get participation for being a good classmate and offering positive feedback.
Talk and share your topics and passions!

Homework - Have fun and be safe!
New Unit on Monday!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Work Day - Portfolios

Hello Seniors!

Please take out your text pieces and your analysis - and get to work!
Today is your last day to write, edit, revise, conference, print, etc..

* You have time to finalize your work.
* Be sure your analysis is detailed and your writing is easy to follow and comprehend - use your graphic organizers!
* Work on your introductions - explain your passion and connection to the subject and what you hope for readers to gain from your collection of texts.
* Peer Revision - Use your graphic organizers

* Edit/Revise - Intro, Analysis, Conclusion
* Portfolio due on TMRW.  Gallery Walk.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Work Day - Write/Edit/Revise/Conference/Peer Review

Hello Seniors!

Please take out your text pieces and your analysis.

* You have time to finalize your work.
* Be sure your analysis is detailed and your writing is easy to follow and comprehend - use your graphic organizers!
* Work on your introductions - explain your passion and connection to the subject and what you hope for readers to gain from your collection of texts.
* Peer Revision - Use your graphic organizers

* Edit/Revise - Analysis
* Intro/Conclusions
* Portfolio due on Friday 2/26.  Gallery Walk.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Introductions/Conclusions, Editing/Writing Time

Hello Seniors!

Please take out your text pieces and your analysis.

Today we will continue to  use the peer review graphic organizer to make sure we are covering all needed topics in our analysis of each piece.  Be constructive and make changes as needed.


* Edit/Revise - Analysis
* Intro/Conclusions
* Portfolio due on Friday 2/26.  Gallery Walk.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Text Analysis Due - Editing Time

Hello Seniors!

Please take out your text pieces and your analysis.
Today we will use the peer review graphic organizer to make sure we are covering all needed topics in our analysis of each piece.  Be constructive and make changes as needed

* Monday - Revision Workshop, Introductions, Conclusions
* Edit and Revise your analysis
* Portfolio due on Friday 2/26.  Gallery Walk.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Portfolio Workday

Hello Seniors!

You have today and tomorrow to continue to research text pieces for your portfolio.  You need to analyze them completely - see quadrants for text genres and graphic organizers to assist in your efforts.  Take advantage of your time.

* All FIVE texts with analysis due Friday.  Typed and ready to workshop.
* Edit and Revision next week - as well as Introductions and Conclusions.
* Portfolio due on Friday 2/26.  Gallery Walk.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Peer Feedback - Texts One and Two

Hello Seniors!

Please have out your TWO texts with your TYPED TWO PAGES of analysis
* Audience, Structure, Effectiveness, Appeal, Appropriate
* Discuss your texts, message, use the FEEDBACK form on Page 63.

1. Worck Check
2. Partner Activity
3. Class Share
4. Valentines Haiku

* Think next THREE texts plus write ups - typed for Friday
* Research and Write. Edit and Revise

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Practice Text - Scavenger Hunt

Hello Seniors!

Let's put this into practice today!
Get into groups - open to Activity #15 - use the chart!

Listen for your topic - use the quadrants to find genre related text - find a scholarly article!
Present your findings at the end of class. We will continue to use these.

* Topic Selection and Ideas for Friday
* Scholarly Article by Monday

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Own Text Portfolio Requirements

Hello Seniors!

1. Packets - Activity 15
* Ideas and Brainstorms
* See Act #9

2. Work through challenging texts! Your turn!

3. Have your text out - Activity 4
* work check
* Partner Activity

* Topic Selection and Ideas for Friday
* Scholarly Article by Monday

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Bringing Your Own Text

Hello Seniors!

Finish Activity 1 - discussion

Activity 2,3 - In Class
* Your topic, My struggle

* Topic Brainstorms
* My Idea and Work -

* Text Tomorrow - Your topic you know well
* Finalize a topic by Friday - must get my approval - no topic?  I will assign you one!

Last Week Activities

Dearest Seniors! Welcome to your last week of high school. We will spend our time together tying up some loose ends, returning, books, cel...