Monday, December 4, 2017

Bring it Together - "Getting Schooled", "Failure", "Hidden Intellect"

Hello Educated People!

Finish Video and complete your Socratic Evaluation.  Be ready to discuss, take notes, and make connections to the Perez and Graff texts - as well as your own experiences.

1.  Finish Video - "Dinner Party:Getting Schooled"
*Socratic Form and Additional Notes
2. Finish "Hidden Intelligence" - Annotate and Take Notes
3. Bring the texts together!

Tomorrow we will Jig Saw the rest of the articles.  Be sure to read through the material.  You will be part of an expert group to TEACH the content and connections to us!

Lyrical Exchange TMRW
Poetry Club on Wednesday

Friday, December 1, 2017

Continue Video - Dinner Party: Getting Schooled

Hello Intellectuals!

Let's continue our Dinner Party! Stay in the conversation, note what is going on, and how Socratic the conversation becomes.  Take additional notes that track appeals to credibility (Ethos), emotion (Pathos), and logic (Logos).  How does it connect with the articles we have read and your own experiences.  Do not be a dullard.

1.  Video - "Dinner Party:Getting Schooled"
*Socratic Form and Additional Notes
2. Work Check - Activities #12, 13
3. Additional Discussion

Finish reading and annotating "Hidden Intelligence" - Come prepared to discuss and connect.

Lyrical Exchange on Tuesday

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Getting Schooled - Video

Hello Intellectuals!

Let's read/review the text "Hidden Intellectualism." Make sure you understand the piece and that you are able to connect with it.

1.  Read/Review article "Hidden Intellectualism" - Gerald Graff
* Annotate
* Activity # 12 - Complete in NB
2. Video - "Getting Schooled"
* Take Notes
* Complete Socratic Evaluation form

Activity #13 - Due Friday.
* Think Perks, Think Poetic!
Watch this for Inspiration! - "Letter to My Future Self" - Gill Soto

Guest Visit - Sherwin Today!
Lyrical Exchange on Tuesdays!

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Hello Future World Savers!

Settle in. Let's read today's' piece and let's access the worth and advice. Does any of this sound familiar? Is this all just cliche?  Any new insights? Let's be very Rhetorical today.
Ethos, Pathos, Logos!  Please remember that 12 week grades close this Friday.

1.  Write down your definition of an intellectual? Who are three people you feel are intellectuals?
2. Review the Perez Article - Ethos, Pathos, Logos
* Work Check Activity 7,8
3. Read article "Hidden Intellectualism" - Gerald Graff
* Annotate
* Activity # 12 - Complete in NB

Activity #13 - Due Friday.
* Think Perks, Think Poetic!
Watch this for Inspiration! - "Letter to My Future Self" - Gill Soto

Poetry Club Today
Guest Visit - Sherwin on Thursday


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Article - "Want to Get Into College?"

Hello Seniors!

Settle in. Let's read this articles and let's access their worth and advice. Does any of this sound familiar? Is this all just cliche?  Any new insights? Let's be very Rhetorical today.

1.  Activity #2 - In Packet
2. Poem - "Why I Hate School but Love Education" - Suli Breaks
2. Read article "Want to Get In/Succeed in College? Learn to Fail." - Angel Perez
* Annotate
* Activity #7
3. Exit Slip - Activity #8

Lyrical Exchange Tonight
Poetry Club Tmrw
Guest Visit - Sherwin on Thursday

Monday, November 27, 2017

What's Next?

Hello Writers!

We've spent all this time sorting through the journey of becoming and finding voice. As we move into this next phase of Senior year - you are trying to figure out direction and decision. For many of you - college statements are due this week. Some of us don't know what we are doing tomorrow.

Regardless - it is all nerve-racking and exciting at the same time. Let's use these next few weeks to explore pros and cons of our next pursuits. Read, Write, Participate, and follow through on all the activities.  Here is to your lift off!

1  Prompts
2. Spoken Word Poem - "Lift Off"- Donovan Livingston
3. Activity Packet - "What's Next" - Expectations and Goals
4. Read Article "Want to Succeed in College? Learn to Fail" - Angel B. Perez
Annotate Text - Prep for Activities # 6,7,8

Lyrical Exchange TMRW
Poetry Club Wednesday - Poetry Club Symposium!

1. The thing about this time of year is...
2. It went like this...
3. That what I get I guess...
4.  You think you are ready....
5.  If I could have a take back I would....

Friday, November 17, 2017

Carpe Diem!

Hello Writers!

Today we celebrate our writing and our creativity.  Use your YAWP! Carpe Diem!

1 Cipher
2. Authors Chair
3. Work Check - Poems, Socratic Evaluations
4. Visit Counseling

*LE on Tuesday

Thursday, November 16, 2017

DPS Socratic Seminar - Day Two

Hello Writers!

Today we continue with our Socratic Discussion.  Be sure to use your questions, reference the film, the poems and songs and spoken word.  Make connects to self and the world. Discuss themes and use the Anticipatory Guide.

1 Socratic Group #2
2. Socratic Overtime?
3. Optional - Two pages typed exactly like handout. No errors. Due tomorrow.

HW -
1. Authors Chair Tmrw - Poem Due. Typed.
2. Socratic Partner Evaluation 
3. Pot Luck?
4. Visit with your Counselor for a few minutes.

* Guests in WW on Today

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Let's Get Socratic!

Hello Writers!

Today we will regroup for a few minutes.  This way we are all ready to go for our large group discussion.  Have ALL of your resources at your disposal. Be heard. Speak up. Connect.

1 Small Groups - Quick Discussion
* Complete Anticipatory Guide.  Did you have a change of mind?  Have a written response.
2. Socratic Seminar - Group #1
*Complete partner observation forms - due Friday

HW -
1.  Socratic #2 - Tomorrow
2. Authors Chair Friday - Poem Due. Typed.
***Connect to any of the many themes or have your poem be similar to others we have annotated and discussed. See packet. See spoken word!

* Poetry Club Today!
* Guests in WW on Today/Thurs

Monday, November 13, 2017

DPS - Socratic Prep in Small Groups

Hello Writers!

Today we finish the film and work in small groups to prepare for our Socratic Seminars.  Please take notes, participate, use your packet, and any and all supplemental text!

1.Finish the film - "Dead Poets Society"
2. Small Class Discussion
3.  Break into Small Groups - Await Instructions.

HW -
1.  "DPS" - * Socratic Seminars on TMRW and Thursday
2. Authors Chair Friday - Poem Due. Typed.
***Connect to any of the many themes or have your poem be similar to others we have annotated and discussed. See packet. See spoken word!

* LE Tonight
* Poetry Club on Wed!
* Guests in WW on Wed/Thurs

Dead Poets Society - Socratic Prep

Hello Writers!

We continue with the film today.  Remember - this is your text.  This story, the characters, the themes, the dialogue - is what we are exploring.  Use the handouts to help guide your thinking and understanding.  Be able to use the film and all related poems as evidence to connect to your own unique insights concerning education, art, and relationships in you own life.

1. Continue film - "Dead Poets Society"
* Take Notes, Connect with the poems in the packet, the anticipatory guide, and your own experiences.

HW -
1.  "DPS" - * Socratic Seminars on Wednesday and Thursday
2. Authors Chair Friday - Poem Due. Typed. 
***Connect to any of the many themes or have your poem be similar to others we have annotated and discussed. See packet. See spoken word!

* Poetry Club on Wed!
* Guests in WW on Wed/Thurs

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Hello Writers!

We continue with the film today.  Remember - this is your text.  This story, the characters, the themes, the dialogue - is what we are exploring.  Use the handouts to help guide your thinking and understanding.  Be able to use the film and all related poems as evidence to connect to your own unique insights concerning education, art, and relationships in you own life.

1. Prompt - Sarah Kaye "Mrs. Ribeiro
2. Review Section Q's - Your Choice! Take Notes! Participate!
* Work Check
3. Continue film - "Dead Poets Society"
* Take Notes, Connect with the poems in the packet, prep for Socratic!

HW -
1.  "DPS" - * Socratic Seminars on Wednesday and Thursday
* Begin to Prepare NOW!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dead Poets - Film and Packet and Questions.

Hello Writers!

We continue with the film today.  Remember - this is your text.  This story, the characters, the themes, the dialogue - is what we are exploring.  Use the handouts to help guide your thinking and understanding.  Be able to use the film and all related poems as evidence to connect to your own unique insights concerning education, art, and relationships in you own life.

1. Review all work due tomorrow and Thursday.
* Please have out your packet. Take notes. Ask Questions.
3. View supplemental texts - lyrics, spoken word poems - what will you contribute?
4. Continue film - "Dead Poets Society"

HW -
1.  "DPS" - * Section One, Section Two
* Answer all related questions and choose ONE additional question to explore further.
* Work Check on TMRW
*Sections Three, Four - due on Thursday

Monday, November 6, 2017

Dead Poets Society - Background, Film, Section One Questions

Hello Writers!

We continue to explore the themes of the film "Dead Poets Society."  Be able to use the poems as evidence to connect to movie and your personal takeaways concerning education, art, and relationships in your own life.

1. Prompts - Spoken Word Poem - "Explaining my Depression to my Mother" Sabrina Benaim
2. Continue to analyze discuss poems in the packet
3. View supplemental texts - lyrics, spoken word poems - what will you contribute?
4. Begin film - "Dead Poets Society"
* Section One - Handout
* Answer all FIVE questions and choose ONE additional question to explore further.
* See blog for example(s)

HW -
1.  "DPS" - Section One and Section Two Questions
* Work Check on Wednesday

Friday, November 3, 2017

Dead Poets Society - Poems and Thematic Questions in Packet

Hello Writers!

Today we examine some of the predominant themes found in Dead Poets Society.  These are common for most as we transition from our teen years into adulthood. Regardless of generation - writers have been exploring these ideas for a long time.  We get to now contribute our own verse - our own voice.  Find your most authentic way to interact with this material. It is important.

1. Prompts - Watch the Spoken Word Poem - "21" - Patrick Roche
2. Anticipatory Guide - Discussion
* Work Check
3. Handouts - Poems
* Annotations, Discussion, Notes
4.Additional Supplemental Texts/Songs?

HW -
1.  Anticipatory Guide - Record your answers and insight for the THREE questions in the packet that ask us to examine specific themes.  Cite evidence from the poems we read and annotated as well as class discussion and personal connection.
2.  Can you find a supplemental text that piggybacks any of these themes?
* Songs?
* Poems?
* Stories?
* Films?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Dead Poets Society Day Two - Handouts and Questions

Hello Writers!

Today we continue the final piece of our Coming Of Age Trilogy - "Dead Poets Society." Let's review the main themes concerning - 1) Growing 2) Art 3) Education.  Please engage with the works and assignments so that you are able to personally connect and cite evidences from the film, the poems we will read and discuss, and other sources.

1. Prompts - Wait for it
2. Anticipatory Guide - Discussion and Notes
3. Handouts - Preview and Discuss
4. Spoken Word - Patrick Roche "21" -

HW -
1.Anticipatory Guide - Written Responses.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dead Poets Society - Introduction

Hello Writers!

Today we prepare for the final piece of our Coming Of Age Trilogy - "Dead Poets Society." This film drives home some of the familiar themes we have discussed with our other selections.  Growing up and making choices and decisions for yourself is difficult - yet we all navigate this process.  This film, the characters, and the story will allow you to contemplate these ideas further - please engage with the works and assignments so that you are able to personally connect and cite evidences.

1. Prompts - See Below
2. Anticipatory Guide - Discussion and Notes
3. Film Preview -

HW -
1.Anticipatory Guide - Written Responses.

1. In fact, as I type this sentence....
2.  Still, we somehow managed to...
3.  I do not question....
4.  I keep trying to picture myself...
5.  This was the most intense....

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Finish Film/PerksSocratic Preo

Hello Writers!

Today we will finish the film.  Please continue to take notes.  Your Socratic is TMRW.  Please prepare accordingly.  This is a test grade.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Turn in your Questions. Circle the number you want graded.
* Answer the question, cite two pieces of evidence, connect to AG, personal connect
2. Film - Take Notes

HW -
1.Socratic Tmrw! Review your notes, questions, anticipatory guide. Be ready to go!
2. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31

1. So, when the school year ends...
2. And he said the same thing he said last year....
3.  I just don't know what else to do...
4.  Maybe she will call this afternoon...
5.  I probably shouldn't be writing about this too much because....

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Perks Question #1 Example

“The Perks of Being a Wallflower”
Questions for Socratic Seminar

1.     The format of The Perks of Being a Wallflower is what allows for this story to be so accessible and relatable to all readers.  Letter writing is a relationship between two people – there needs to be trust and there needs to be nonjudgment.  Charlie explains from the very beginning (Page 2) “I am writing to you because she said you listen and understand…” Charlie, like many of us, wants to be heard.  He comes to us with a severed past – loss and his perspective of hurt and personal flaw is often projected by his friends and family. He needs a place to vent and to be honest. We are able to connect this to #2 on the Anticipatory guide.  Charlie’s search for healing and the epistolary structure gives voice to his vulnerability expressing his hopes and fears offers.  It is a connection to a loving source – and even though anonymous - gives Charlie a safe place to work through his issues.

Writing letters allows for a conversation. This was how we used to keep in touch with our loved ones over distance. Many times our words would convey the emotions of loss and time and family and the overall disconnects we experience. In the waiting – we longed for the words and stories of those we love and miss. When my family moved from South Africa – I used to write letters to family.  There was a passion in both writing and receiving. It seems like a lost art – almost poetic and sad. It is why this format draws in the reader and invites us into conversation as opposed to talking at us or telling us this story of an unhappy teenager.  In his last letter - Charlie concludes, “…and even though I didn’t know you, I felt like I did because you sounded like such a good person.  The kind of person who wouldn’t mind receiving letters from a kid.  The kind of person who would understand how they were better than a diary because there is communion and a diary can be found.” (Page 206). “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” allows us to be able to connect to the disparities of teenage life and the tedious tasks to navigate this terrain with love and acceptance and hope.  

Perks Socratic Prep

Hello Writers!

Today we continue to prep for our Socratic Seminar - your assessment.  It will be open note and you have all week to prepare. Finish your posters and present ONE of your questions with helpful insight and textual evidence.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Poster Presentations and Notes
3. Film - Take Notes

HW -
1.Socratic will be on FRIDAY
3. Questions - Your FIVE questions need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date TOMORROW
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31

1. Sex things are weird too...
2.  I don't know if this is right or not....
3.  So, I was sitting alone....
4.  The one different thing about....
5.  Then she asked me....

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Perks - Small Groups and Posters

Hello Writers!

Today we continue to prep for our Socratic Seminar - your assessment.  It will be open note and you have all week to prepare. Finish your posters and present ONE of your questions with helpful insight and textual evidence.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Perks - Small Group Discussions and Poster Presentations
* Take Notes. Make additional comments.

HW -
1.Socratics start on Thursday!
3. Questions - Your FIVE questions need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date Thurs.
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31

1. We were quiet for the rest of the song...
2.  Her whisper smelled like...
3.  I stood up, and we....
4.  I think he was...
5.  She looked at me. I looked at her.  Then...

* LE Tonight!
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays

Monday, October 23, 2017

Perks - Socratic Prep

Hello Writers!

Today we begin to prep for our Socratic Seminar - your assessment.  It will be open note and you have all week to prepare.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Perks - Small Group Discussions.

HW -
1.Socratics start on Thursday!
3. Questions - Your FIVE questions need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date Thurs.
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31

1. Tomorrow...
2.  I don't really want to talk about...
3.  The thing that has helped me the most....
4.  The first few weeks...

* LE on Tuesdays
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Perks - Reading and Writing Time

Hello Writers!

Please finish the book by Monday and work on your questions and Charlie Letters.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Perks - Reading and Writing Time

HW -
1. Finish Perks by Monday. Part IV Quiz.
3. Questions - Your FIVE questions need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date Thurs. 10/26
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31


* LE on Tuesdays
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays

Perks - Film and Notes

Hello Writers!

Today we watch the film. Take Notes
Please finish the book by Monday and work on your questions and Charlie Letters.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Perks Film - Take notes for Socratic. This will help you.

HW -
1. Finish Perks by Monday. Quiz on Monday
3. Questions - Your FIVE questions need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date Thurs. 10/26
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31

1.  That was last week....
2.  After that, it was quiet....
3.  It seems like every morning...
4.  So, while we were talking....
5.  I don't really want to talk about the questions and answers....

* Slam Diego is TONIGHT

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Perks - Reading, Writing, Quiz

Hello Writers!

Today we continue to read independently.  You will take your quiz for Part III.
Please finish the book by Friday and work on your Questions.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Reading and Questions
3. Perks Quiz

HW -
1. Finish Perks by Friday 10/20
3. Questions - Choose FIVE. These will need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must also make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date Thurs. 10/26
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due on Tuesday 10/31

Link to Chbosky Video -

1. I wonder what it will be like when I leave this place...
2.  I figured that I should just do what I wanted to do....
3.  It must have been the wrong thing to say....
4.  She took my hand and....
5.   I've just been avoiding everything....

* Poetry Club is Today
* Slam Diego is Tmrw

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Perks - Reading and Questions

Hello Writers!

Today we continue to read independently.  Please be done with Part III by tomorrow.
Select your FIVE questions and begin to draft those.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
2. Chbosky Video - Take Notes
3. Reading and Questions

HW -
1. Finish Perks Part III by Tmrw. Reading Quiz.
2. Finish Perks by Friday 10/20
3. Questions - Choose FIVE. These will need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must also make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date TBD
4. FIVE Charlie Letters Typed  - Due date TBD

1. I haven't said anything....
2.  A few days ago, I went to see...
3.  I wanted to laugh...
4.  I've been spending a lot of time with...
5.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do now....

* LE is Tonight
* Poetry Club is tomorrow at lunch
* Slam Diego is this Thursday 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Perks - Independent Reading

Hello Writers!

Today we read independently.  Please be done with Part III by Wednesday.
Please see Questions in the back of the book.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
* These will need to be typed.  Choose your favorite FIVE. These will be due soon. Date TBD
2. Reading and Questions

HW -
1. Finish Perks Part III by Wednesday. Quiz on Wednesday.
2. Finish Perks by Friday 10/20
3. Questions - Choose FIVE. These will need to be typed and must include textual evidence.  They must also make reference to at least ONE of themes on the anticipatory guide. Due date TBD.

1. To tell you the truth...
2.  I just kept quiet and looked around....
3. I was sitting in the waiting room...
4.  I know that I brought this all upon myself...
5.  All I hope is that tonight...

* LE is TMRW
* Poetry Club on Wednesday
* Slam Diego is this Thursday 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Perks - Parts I and II - Reading Quiz and Review

Hello Writers!

Today we review Parts I and II. Let's do awesome on our reading check.  Let's discuss parts of the book that are capturing our attention.  What stands out to you and why? Then...let's watch some of the film.  We will continue with the story and related writings next week.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
* You will be typing some of these and submitting for credit
2. Perks - Part I and II - Reading Quiz
* Clear your desks.  Have out a sheet of paper.  Number it 1-10.
3. Parts I and II - Noteworthy lines, ideas, themes for discussion.

HW - Finish Perks by Friday 10/20

1. As the songs kept playing...
2.  It was the first time I had ever....
3.  Of all the things I've done so far this year...
4.  The last time I had a friend over....
5.  It started yesterday at home....

* LE on Tuesdays
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Perks - Independent Reading Time

Hello Writers!

Today we read and we write.  Do your Charlie Letters, Read and Annotate.  Participate if you choose.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
* You will be typing some of these and submitting for credit
2. Perks - Part One - Finish as a class.
* Notes - Page, Text, Explanation
3. Read Independently

HW - Finish Perks - Parts One and Two by Friday
* Reading Check - Quiz on Friday

1.  I guess I forgot to mention...
2.  I figure you're probably curious about...
3.  In terms of my participation in things...
4.  When the police came....
5.  I didn't know that other people thought....

 EC (grades close on Friday)
* LE on Tuesdays
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Perks - Reading and Writing

Hello Writers!

Today we read and we write.  Do your Charlie Letters, Read and Annotate.  Participate if you choose.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
* You will be typing some of these and submitting for credit
2. Perks - Part One
* Notes - Page, Text, Explanation

HW - Finish Perks - Parts One and Two by Friday
* Reading Check - Quiz

1 When I finally got home...
2.  I guess I forgot to mention...
3.  As far as he/she was concerned...
4.  Homecoming...
5. After thirty minutes...

 EC (grades close on Friday)
* Poetry ClubTODAY

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Perks of Being A Wallflower - Part One Reading

Hello Writers!

Today we read Part One of "Perks".  Please take notes.  Annotate specific page numbers, textual evidence, and your thoughts.  Have out your Anticipatory Guide - so you can connect everything back to the big ideas and themes of the text.

1. Charlie Letters - See Prompts
* You will be typing some of these and submitting for credit
2. Anticipatory Guide - Activity
3. Perks - Part One
* Notes - Page, Text, Explanation
4. Work Check - Dallas Reflections

HW - Finish Perks - Parts One and Two by Friday
* Reading Check - Quiz

1. I am writing to you because...
2. I just need to know that someone...
3.  I don't really remember much....
4.  I do not like high school...
5.  I keep quiet most of the time....

 EC (grades close on Friday)
* Poetry Club on 10/11

Monday, October 9, 2017

Perks of Being a Wallflower - Introduction and Anticipatory

Hello Writers!

Today we begin "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".  This is an amazing book that you will want to read and discuss. Take advantage of every opportunity to share your voice in both written and verbal assignments.  You know how we work as a class.  Do your best.

1.Anticipatory Guide
2. Film Clip
3. Perks - Pages 2-8
* Notes - Page, Text, Explanation
4. Writing Time - Charlie Letters

 HW - Dallas Wall Reflection due TUESDAY

1.I am writing to you because
2. I just need to know that someone...
3.  I don't really remember much....
4.  I do not like high school...
5.  I keep quiet most of the time....

 EC (grades close on Friday 10/13)
* SD Slam is TONIGHT
* LE is TMRW
* Poetry Club on 10/11

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Authors Chair - Sonnets and Haikus

Hello Writers!

Today we celebrate you and your writing.  Let's keep it fun and enthusiastic. 
Please be respectful to your classmates.  Offer feedback and support.  Be inspired! 

1. Prompts - see below
2. Work Check - Sonnets and Haiku
3. Dallas - Afterthoughts?
4. Cipher
5. Authors Chair

1. These kinds of things keep me calm because...
2.  I wonder if they talk about...
3.  All in all, I think....
4.  I'm just lucky that I have....
5.  All I hope is that my....

 EC (grades close on Friday 10/13)
* SD Slam on 10/9
* LE on 10/10
* Poetry Club on 10/11

Monday, October 2, 2017

Socratic Seminar

Hello Writers!

Here we go.  Let's see how well we can do with our Socratic.  You are all expected to pay attention, use your resources, and engage your classmate.  We prepared and we practiced.  We should expect to see our best.  This is a test grade.

1. Socratic Seminar (Group One)
2. Work Check - Questions typed.

* Socratic Seminar (Group Two)
* Socratic Partner Observations will be due on Wednesday.

* LE on Tuesday
* Poetry Club - Wednesdays
* SD Slam on 10/9

Weekly Agenda:
* Socratics
* Sonnets
* Authors Chair/Cipher

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Last Day Locomotion Socratic Prep

Hello Writers!

This is our last day to make sure we are all caught up - readings, notes, and questions.
Are you ready to be part of a college level discussion?  We want to be sure to discuss all the main themes from the book (see Q's) and be able to cite textual evidence to support our claims.

1. Prompts - See Below
*  Individual Work Time
***THREE Q's of your choice with EVIDENCE (at least TWO from text)
***  See blog post for Mentor Text (Q #3)

* Work Check - Questions typed and ready for discussion. Proofread!
* "Locomotion" - Continue to take notes.  You will be able to use these during the Socratic.
* Socratic Seminar - Starts on FRIDAY, continues on MONDAY
*** This is a TEST grade.  You must participate and you must be prepared.

Prompts - See Questions
Take the time to answer Q #7
Let's see if we are answering these discussion points clearly,

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Locomotion Question Response Example for Socratic Seminar

This is how we will answer response questions in our class.  Please use this as a mentor text to indicate structure, grammatical choices, cited evidence, and overall quality content.  This is how you will be assessed for understanding of text and your personal connections to the themes and characters.

Locomotion – Socratic Seminar Questions and Responses w/Evidence


It is important for everyone to have a mentor to guide us in a good direction as we make our way through our everyday experience.  Whether it is a parent, teacher, coach, or friend we all need encouragement and.  Lonnie’s story is no different.  Ms.  Marcus gives Lonnie hope.  For instance, in the piece “Describe Somebody” (Pages 22-23), Lonnie states, “When she smiles it makes you feel all good inside.” Ms. Marcus radiates good energy in a time when Lonnie is unstable.  The classroom is the only place that is consistent and he feels comfort.
            Ms. Marcus does deserve the Teacher of the Year Award because she has the ability to engage her students. She makes the assignments relatable. In the piece, “Hip Hop Rules the World” (Page 70) she proclaims, “Of course rap is poetry” when explaining good writing to Lamont.  At first trepid to engage in the process, Ms. Marcus involves Lamont by meeting him where he feels comfortable and the material is easier to understand.  Good teachers have techniques to involve their students and they are able to create a healthy and trustworth­­y learning environment.  Ms. Marcus displays all of these traits and that is why she is important to Lonnie and his classmates.

            Being able to understand another person’s pain and plight takes the ability to listen and empathize. Throughout the book we meet many characters in Lonnie’s life who are also going through struggles of their own.  As readers we are confronted with multiple tragedies and we are asked to compartmentalize the tussles of these broken characters. Lonnie – no doubt – is struggling to come to terms with the death of his parents, the separation from his sis­ter, and a future without answers. 
His classmate Eric –we come to find out – is struggling with his own turmoil – battling Sickle Cell disease.  This new information that has come to light – actually allows us to see Eric in an entirely different light.  He is no longer the tough guy, no longer the abrasive classmate, not just a secretive singing angel – because his situation and diagnosis takes us (as well as his classmates and teacher) by surprise and acts as a catalyst to explain that maybe we all project hurt and anger when we ourselves our feeling or dealing or trying to make sense of our complicated emotions. In the piece, “Eric Poem” (Pages 63-66) Lonnie says (after hearing the news) “I take a deep breath and put my head down on my desk.  I try not to think of Eric’s angel voice singing in the church. I try not to think of us shooting hoops together.” Lonnie is sad when reminiscing Eric’s positive traits – Eric is very real and human in that moment – he is affected by unforeseen trouble – just like many of us do and will.
This new information is hard for anyone to understand – let alone a classroom full of children who have to continuously discuss death and hardships. When Eric does return to the classroom after his absence, Lonnie notices that he seems different. “First Day of School” (Pages 91-92) seems to illustrate this – “what happened to the other Eric” Lonnie questions.  He doesn’t want to play basketball, he sits by himself, and Lonnie notices “it’s like the first day of school and he’s the new boy”. And we all know how “new boys” are treated. Lonnie closes the poem by stating, Eric “knows some things we’ll never see” – noting that we can never truly know the troubles that even our closest friends may be going through. And that withdrawal may be very typical behavior – so we must be understanding of this as well.
We are not supposed to pick one of these tragic stories over the other – we are to empathize that both boys are experiencing adult sized trauma.  We want the best for both of them.  Author Jacqueline Woodson has an amazing ability – through the voice of Lonnie – to create these scenarios of empathy and real life tragedies.

Last Week Activities

Dearest Seniors! Welcome to your last week of high school. We will spend our time together tying up some loose ends, returning, books, cel...