Thursday, April 12, 2018

Writing Day

Hello People!

Today we work to finish constructing our essays.  This is a process. Work independently and quietly.  Use the feedback from yesterday to help navigate your structure, your content, your evidence, and your claims.  Use all resources that we have explored throughout the unit - your charts, notes, annotations, and rough draft.  You need to make changes.  Proofread.  Spell-check.  Spacing.  All of this matters.

1. Prompts - 12/30
2. Writing Time - Grab a computer!

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Final Essay due on Friday. Typed. No Errors.

LE on Tuesday
Poetry Club on Wednesday

1. We are running out of time...
2.  I am done doing favors...
3.  At the end of the day...
4.  So you want to know?  Well....
5.  Heartbreak?  Let me tell you about heartbreak...

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Last Week Activities

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