Thursday, February 26, 2015

Portfolio/Gallery Walk Due Date Extended! Due on Monday 3/2

Hello Seniors!

Writing Prompts!  Let's write for a few minutes!

This week we will be finishing our Portfolios!

Please use class time to write, edit, revise, and print.
Use the rubric - see Activity #19 to help you monitor your own work.
You will be assessed using the SAME rubric.


* Portfolios are due on Monday 3/2

* Gallery Walk is on Monday - you MUST be here to receive CREDIT!

1) NINE RIGHTS Reflection - Be specific and explain how you continue to honor these...
2) I know we won't always be this young so....
3) Blueberries...
4) Describe an encounter with a celebrity...
5) Elephants.
6) Flirting

Monday, February 23, 2015

Portfolio Week!

Hello Seniors!

This week we will be editing/finishing our Portfolios!

Please use today to finish your CONCLUDING paragraph. 
Take time to edit your body paragraphs.  Use the Activity #18 Graphic Organizer to make sure you answer each component.

Peer Revision TMRW - Credit/No Credit
***See Activity #19
***See Activity #20 - Rubric

* Portfolios are due on Friday
* Gallery Walk on Friday - You must be present to receive credit

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Portfolio Body Paragraphs

Hello Seniors!

This week we will be writing our Portfolio body paragraphs.
Today I will instruct you (with an example) of the needed information and structure.
It is your duty to replicate this.

Please be ready to show/share your ONE paragraph before you leave.
Use this method to complete the remaining body paragraphs.
If you finish - have a peer check it or call me over...if you are on track write your next one!

All body paragraphs will be completed by Friday.

Today's Agenda:
*Activity 18 - Writing Body Paragraphs

* Complete introduction and all body paragraphs by Friday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Peer Revision Continued / Writing Your Introduction

Hello Seniors!

If you have your texts - you will work with a partner.
Please use Activity 17 in your packet to guide you through the Peer Revision process.
This is your time to write and converse authentically about your text choices.

If you have completed the Peer Revision - you may begin to work independently on Activity 18 - developing your Introduction Paragraph

Today's Agenda:
* Activity 17 - Peer Revision Opportunity
* Activity 18 - Portfolio Written Introduction

* Complete (rough draft) Introduction Paragraph - due Thursday 2/12
Be able to clearly communicate your topic, message, and purpose.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Peer Revision - Texts and Connections to Message

Hello Seniors!

Today you will work with a partner. 
Please use Activity 17 in your packet to guide you through the Peer Revision process. 
This is your time to write and converse authentically about your text choices. 

Today's Agenda:
* Activity 17 - Peer Revision
*** This is a CREDIT/NO CREDIT assignment.

* Complete Activity 17 - Work Check
* Based on evidence collected - re-evaluate your texts and bring your FIVE pieces for your portfolio.
* We will work on developing your Introduction (See Activity 18) on Wednesday

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Work Day - Assembling Texts for Peer Review

Hello Seniors!

By now you should have your topic, a clear message, and the FIVE texts you are choosing to synthesize rhetorically.  You have had ample time and have acquired strategies and skills to help you to determine which texts are best for you and your intended audience.

Today's Agenda:
* Activity 15 - This will require a lot of time and thought.
* Activity 16 -  Is your message clear? 
Can you WRITE about the texts that you are planning on using? 


Prep for Activity 17 - Peer Review
**Be ready to work with your texts.  This is a credit/no credit assignment

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Compiling Your Portfolio - Workday

Hello Seniors!

Your FINAL assignment with this unit will require you to compile a portfolio that includes several different kinds of writing about the same topic.  You will need to write a reflective introduction to the pieces that you chose to include.

Today's Agenda:
* Activity 15 - This will require a lot of time and thought.  Please chose a topic/theme that is important to you and/or that you are passionate about.
* Teacher Example - Take notes!
* Work Check on Friday - Activities 9-15

HW: Complete all Activities needed for work check on Friday

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Beginning to Work With Multiple Genres

Hello Seniors!

Your FINAL assignment with this unit will require you to compile a portfolio that includes several different kinds of writing about the same topic.  You will need to write a reflective introduction to the pieces that you chose to include.

Today's Agenda:
* Activity 15 - This will require a lot of time and thought.  Please chose a topic/theme that is important to you and/or that you are passionate about.
* Teacher Example - Take notes!

* Activity 12 - Think Aloud (Per 6,7)
* Work Check on Friday - Activities 9-15

HW: Complete all Activities needed for work check on Friday

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Working With Your Academic/Scholarly Article

Hello Students!

Today you will spend time working with your scholarly article that relates to your text/topic.

* Activity 9 - Take Notes on Requirements
* Activity 10 and 11
* Activity 12, 13, 14

Work Check - Activities 10-14
Begin thinking of your Multi-Genre Portfolio (4-5 texts) - due date TBD

Monday, February 2, 2015

Finding A Scholarly Article Related To Your Topic

Hello Students!

Today we will spend time finding a scholarly article that relates to your text/topic that you have already been working on in class.  Please take the time to find an article that includes the necessary features.

* Activity 9 - Take Notes on Requirements
* Laptops - Research! Print!
* Work Check - Activities 6,7,8

HW - Bring your article to class w/notes, annotations.
Be ready to complete:
Activity 10 - Individually
Activity 11 - highlight specialized language/jagon

Last Week Activities

Dearest Seniors! Welcome to your last week of high school. We will spend our time together tying up some loose ends, returning, books, cel...