Monday, April 30, 2018

Work Day - 30/30 and Research

Hello Seniors!

Use today and this week towards reaching your end of the year goals.  Work independently and diligently to get your assignments done.  Use the Activities in the packet as guidelines. 

1. Prompts - 30/30
2. Research - All texts must now become Scholarly Articles with one page analysis due on Friday
* Use Activities 10 - 14 to help you understand your articles and if they are relevant
* Your articles MUST be credible

* 30/30 - Due TMRW- Typed and Awesome! Make it Pretty.
* Group Discussions on Wednesday (Have at least Two of your articles w/analysis to discuss)
* Scholarly Articles with one page analysis for each due on Friday

LE on Tuesday - Another chance to drop a ZERO. You will need to do a reflection
Poetry Club on Wednesday
Come to Slams on Wed-Fri (Periods 4,5,6)
Trilogy on Wednesday?

1.  Before all of this...
2.  Now I can see...
3.  I don't give myself enough...
4.  If I had the time...
5.  My writing is better now because...

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Work Day

Hello Seniors!

Expectations are set! Research is here!  Bring texts that are interesting and compelling.  Use the handout and activities to guide you.  Do your best - synthesize and teach us well.

1. Prompts - 26/30
2. Research - Use the activities to help with your writing.
* By Monday - 5 pieces of text that will lead to scholarly articles
* Complete Activities 7,8

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Research deadlines - All Scholarly Texts by next Friday. Begin to format paper.  Use activities and charts and previous methods to do your best work
* Photo Poems due TMRW

Symposium TODAY

1  Confrontation
2. What makes you feel small?
3. Prom
4. Favorite Artist(s)

Monday, April 16, 2018

Getting Started on Our Research

Hello Seniors!

Expectations are set! Research is here!  Bring texts that are interesting and compelling.  Use the handout and activities to guide you.  Do your best - synthesize and teach us well.

1. Prompts - 24/30
2. andout - Activities 1-9

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Research deadlines - 2 Texts due on Wednesday
* Photo Poems due Friday

LE on Tonight
Poetry Club on Tmrw
Symposium on Thursday 5-7

1  .I like in bed
2.  I sit at a desk...
3.  I read in a room...
4.  Sometimes I...
5.  Sometimes I use...

Friday, April 13, 2018

Authors Chair!

Hello Seniors!

Let's celebrate our writing.  We are done with our unit - but we continue to add value each and every day.  And...I value you.

1. Prompts - 13/30
3. Authors Chair
4. Essays Due - No Late Work

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed

LE on Tuesday
Poetry Club on Wednesday

1. Bad luck, blue eyes...
2. I don't believe in....
3. Just for the record...
4.  Everything is a self portrait
5.  This isn't typical....

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Writing Day

Hello People!

Today we work to finish constructing our essays.  This is a process. Work independently and quietly.  Use the feedback from yesterday to help navigate your structure, your content, your evidence, and your claims.  Use all resources that we have explored throughout the unit - your charts, notes, annotations, and rough draft.  You need to make changes.  Proofread.  Spell-check.  Spacing.  All of this matters.

1. Prompts - 12/30
2. Writing Time - Grab a computer!

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Final Essay due on Friday. Typed. No Errors.

LE on Tuesday
Poetry Club on Wednesday

1. We are running out of time...
2.  I am done doing favors...
3.  At the end of the day...
4.  So you want to know?  Well....
5.  Heartbreak?  Let me tell you about heartbreak...

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hello People!

Today we continue to construct our final essay for the unit.  You will work in small groups.  Share your work, get assistance, get ideas, and then start your revision.  Be open to suggestions.

1. Prompts - 10/30
2. Writing Response Groups
2. Writing Time - Grab a computer!

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed

* Final Essay due on Friday. Typed. No Errors.

Poetry Club on Today!

1. Where did the time go?
2.  When I was eleven years old....
3.  Planets
4.  It's been a while...
5.  Cancel everything

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Writing Time

Hello People!

Today we continue to construct our final essay for the unit.  Connect your chosen texts.  Revisit your charts, find quotes/text that will really help prove your point.  Be sure to make connections to self, the world, and other texts. Take advantage of your time.

1. Prompts - 10/30
2. Writing Time - Grab a computer!

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Rough Draft Essay due TMRW. Typed
* Final Essay due on Friday. Typed. No Errors.

LE Tuesday!
Poetry Club on Wed!

1.  Let's get funky!
2.  When I was ten years old....
3.  Circles around the sun...
4.  All I really wanna do...
5.  You are smiling like you are lying...

Monday, April 9, 2018

Final Essay Ideas, Prompts, Claims


Here they are the Pivotal Underlying Questions we have explored during the unit.  Use these ideas to make your own claim that critically examines your views on the value of life.  Your voice and your story is necessary.  Please cite the texts with evidence and connections.

1.       When faced with months to live, how do you say goodbye? (Zach)
2.      How do you find what you love?  How do you know what it is you should do with your life? (Jobs)
3.      Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. (Jobs)
4.      Happy Accidents.  What has happened to you which first seemed unlucky but in hindsight turned out to be fortunate? (Jobs and all texts)
5.      How do we determine the value of a life?  (All Texts)
6.      What is wrong with the world and what can I do to make it better? (I Am)
7.      What is right with the world and how can I contribute? (I Am)
8.      To be or not to be – that is the question. (Hamlet)
9.      Nobody has the right to take away the option for “death with dignity” from someone who is terminally ill. (Brittany)

Essay must be in multiple paragraphs and error free.  Must be typed and 12 pt font.
Make an overall claim/thesis.  Use the texts as evidence/ethos
Tie it all together so that YOUR VOICE is present.

Essay Week! Finish Strong!

Hello People!

Today we begin to construct our final essay for the unit.  You should know which pieces of texts/charts you will use as your evidence.  You will need to develop a clear thesis statement.  Work on your opening paragraph today.  Or brainstorm connections - how do your chosen texts all connect?

1. Prompts - 3/30
2.Work Check - Text of Choice/Chart
* Share Ideas
3. Essay Prompt(s) - See Handout
4. Writing Time

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Rough Draft Essay due on Wednesday. Typed
* Final Essay due on Friday. Typed. No Errors.

LE Tuesday!
Poetry Club on Wed!

1.  I am not over-exaggerating...
2.  When I was nine years old....
3.  With nine weeks to go...
4.  I swear...
5.  I need to say this....

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Authors Chair

Hello People!

Today we share our writing and celebrate our critical thinking. 
You should share your "Not Writing" piece, 30/30 selections, Hamlet Chart, Additional Text, Etc...

1. Prompts - 3/30
2. Authors Chair
3. Cipher

* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Additional Piece due Monday w/Charted Text
* Poem, Song, Article, Film - Chart your text for issue, claim, connections

SD Slam on Monday 4/9

1.  I am not over-exaggerating...
2.  When I was six years old....
3.  It was an accident...
4.  I swear...
5.  I need to say thank you....

Writing/Research/Conferencing Time

Hello People!

To be or not to be...what kind of student /person/classmate/friend are you being? Active? Passive?  Alive? Barely Breathing? Take stock of what you bring of value to your communities.

Make some smart choices and make good use of your time today.

1. Prompts - 3/30
2. Hamlet - Chart Text
* Work Check.
3. "Not Writing" - Writing Time
4. Additional Text of your Choice - Examples
5. Essay Prompt Preview -

* "Not Writing" - due TMRW
* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed
* Authors Chair on Friday - 30/30, Not Writing
* Additional Piece due Monday w/Charted Text

SD Slam on Monday 4/9

1.  In no particular order...
2.  A list of all I value: 
3.  Well, I'm here today...
4.  I am sure you are aware...
5.  Shakespeare? Let me tell you about Shakespeare...

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Hamlet - Understanding the Soliloquy

Hello People!

To be or not to be...that is the question.  Let's continue tackle this famous piece of text and see how it plays into the themes and the ideas of value in our life.  Stick with it, take notes, and leave here able to chart the text and  make sense of these great insights!

1. Prompts - 3/30
2. Hamlet - Chart Text
* View Clips
* Read, Annotate, Discuss, Chart
3. Writing Time

* Hamlet Chart - Due (optional) Thursday
* "Not Writing" due on Friday
* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed

Poetry Club TODAY
SD Slam on Monday 4/9

1.  Slings and Arrows
2.  Don't wanna live as an untold story....
3.  Dear PLHS...
4.  Blood oranges...
5.  Wrapped in your regret....

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hamlet - To Be or Not To Be

Hello People!

To be or not to be...that is the question.  Let's tackle this famous piece of text and see how it plays into the themes and the ideas of value in our life.  Stick with it, take notes, and leave here able to make sense of these great insights!

1. Prompts - 3/30
2. Finish "Not Writing Piece"
* Write Your Own - due Friday.  This can only help your grade.
3. Hamlet - Chart Text
* View Clips
* Read, Annotate, Discuss

* Hamlet Chart - Due (optional) Thursday
* 30/30 - Due on Tuesday 5/1 - Typed

LE Tonight
Poetry Club on Wednesdays
SD Slam on Monday 4/9

1.  Isn't is something...
2.  She once believed in every story...
3.  Yes, I understand...
4.  Stay with me, let's just be....
5.  These days they linger on....

Monday, April 2, 2018

Welcome Back!

Hello People!

Welcome Back!  Today we will start our 30/30 Project.  We will continue with our Value of Life Unit tomorrow. is all value of life...isn't it?  I am glad you are here.  Let's be together.

1. Prompts
2. 30/30
3. Video
4. Not Writing - Mentor Text
* Due on Friday

* We continue with Value of Life Tmrw - Hamlet
* Chart all texts

LE Tuesday
Poetry Club on Wednesdays

Last Week Activities

Dearest Seniors! Welcome to your last week of high school. We will spend our time together tying up some loose ends, returning, books, cel...